Thursday, 14 January 2010

Bilingual breakfast

My tandem language exchange is going really well; we have become good friends with S and our meet-ups always take at least three hours. Today we met for breakfast in Malzcafé on Danziger staße. S tells me that on weekends they have an amazing brunch buffet for just under €7 and that it's so popular that a table reservation is useful. We ordered our breakfast from a versatile list, and both opted for the Vegetarischer Frühstück platters, €5,50 each. Pretty yummy, huh?

1 comment:

  1. Na moi,
    olen Doreen ja asun Berlinissä. Halusin harjoitella vähän suomen kielen. Jo näi että sulla on jo tandem mut ei se haita - ehkä haluat toinen:)? mun e mail on: jos haluat kirjoitta mulle!
    Terveisiä, Doreen


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