Wednesday 9 September 2009

Back to school

We have started our intensive German course this week. Clearly, we have gotten used to doing nothing, because now we have been absolutely exhausted every night! In fairness, we cycle about sixteen kilometres daily to get to and from class. But the lessons are a lot of fun and the others in my group are all really nice. Of eight people four are Nordics, which tell you a bit about the amount of us here. But the classes seem to work, I already feel like I understand and could speak better. Probably not :)

We have guests arriving tomorrow, all the way from London. Now we are cleaning and tidying up a bit, before we do our homework. I have a meeting tomorrow evening, a "let's meet and see if you would fit in here and what role you could have before we invite you to a job interview" meeting. Weird. Never had one of those before. I also sent two more job applications today, so maybe the leisurely life will soon be over. Sigh...


  1. Heissan!

    Löysin blogiisi yhden toisen Berliini-blogin kautta :)Itsekin aloitin saksan intensiivikurssin Deutsche Akademiessa viime viikolla, joten oli pakko kommentoida. Ainakaan samalla kurssilla me ei olla..

  2. Heipä! Onpa sattuma, mihin aikoihin oot tunneilla? Meiän tunnit on klo 12-15, mutta ei oo muita suomalaisia ryhmissä. Aika pohjola-painoitteista siellä kyllä muuten on :)

  3. Mä käyn kursseilla iltaisin, klo 18-21. Meillä on puolestaan E-Eurooppa/P-Amerikka/Australia painotus ryhmässä :)

  4. Mä oon ollu tosi tyytyväinen kurssiin, mutta sais se olla jopa intensiivisempi. Ja eestaas pyöräilyyn kuluu 16km, mikä on aika uutta mulle!


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