Saturday 10 April 2010

First attempt at clubbing

"What the hell are you doing in Berlin?" "Boy, did you pick the wrong city to live in!" People say this to me often. Why do I get such harsh comments? Because I don't like techno. Sue me.

Yesterday was my first clubbing experience since we moved here almost a year ago. We ended a long, fun night out in Friedrichshain by going to Rosi's. It was a Karrera Club 'Indie Pop Disko' night and the music was pretty mainstream, I thought, not too monotonous or boring. It's a cool bar with lots of outdoor space and I could imagine finding myself there again, if friends or tourists want to go dancing. I got a reminder of why it's at the same time such fun and so annoying to go out with your single friends: boys are hovering, friends disappear to smooch in dark corners of the bar and you end up having the awkward "sorry, but I have a boyfriend" conversations. By Berlin standards we left early, at 6 am, and I was home at 7. It was nice to walk home when the sun was coming up and the birds were singing. It felt like a summer morning – except that it was only +6°C warm...

Tonight my friends invited me to the Russendisko at Kaffee Burger in Mitte, but I don't think I'm up for such madness two nights in a row :) I'm a bad Berliner...

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