Sunday 4 April 2010

A poor addict

We have realised that since neither one of us has gotten paid yet, we are on the path to poverty. That's a pity, because I have just found myself a new favourite café, and all I want to do every day is to go to Slörm, drink their amazing coffee and feed my addiction to their cream cheese, carrot, tomato and rucola toasts... I also love any place of business that houses pets, and two cute parakeets live at the back of the café. It's so Berlin: I think keeping animals in places that serve food is a strict no-no everywhere else!

I will have to have a chat at the office about not being a freelancer, but getting on the pay roll instead. That way all my health insurance, taxes and social benefit payments would all be a lot easier to understand, at least everything was smooth sailing for A. I'm not sure my bosses will be over the moon about it – not to mention that it has seemed a bit tense around the office. I hope the long Easter break has made everyone more mellow

We went to see our friend dj last night, so today is a "mini-hangover day". I will now return to the American television shows and candy, while taking huge pleasure in knowing that tomorrow is yet another Sunday ;)

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